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Make Your Smile More Attractive

Blog:Make Your Smile More Attractive

Make Your Smile More Attractive


Before we start looking into different ways to improve your smile there are few things to take care of first:

  • Your overall and oral health – this will always be the number one priority, making sure you are at your best health and your gums and teeth are healthy, free of gum disease undermining tooth support or cavities causing tooth structure to disintegrate causing future pain.

  • Making sure your posterior teeth provide good support for the front teeth and giving them good balance for chewing, preventing future chips and fractures of front teeth.

  • Good oral hygiene habits, keeping your teeth and gums clean and healthy.

A smile is always a bright expression bringing warmth to those around us. But, a number of us become insecure of it – worry not! – there are a number of ways to become confident in your smile:

  1. Teeth whitening

This was already covered in one of my previous blog posts, so this is just a quick reminder that whitening works only on natural teeth and does not brighten previous fillings, veneers or crowns. It will always work better on straight, vital teeth and must be repeated every 1 to 2 years to keep the same shade – the frequency depending on your stain related habits like smoking, diet etc.

  1. Composite bonding

This is the quickest and most efficient way to alter the shape and shade of your front teeth. Using the white filling materials we can make teeth more even, close the gaps between them or change their color a couple of shades. Disadvantages: it works if the teeth are only mildly uneven, will not change the color of the teeth drastically and over time it may stain or discolor.

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